Digging In

(maybe some photos soon...i used real film in a 35mm camera. slows things down a bit...) I bought some perennials on Monday. Things with silver foliage. Straw-like flowers. A scented geranium. Something with purple leaves. Variegated sage. A lupine -- because two tiny ones came back on their own and they're too fragile to accomplish much bloom this year. Cut them some slack -- give them a big sibling to do the work for this July and then next year they'll be big and this one will be setting up shop more permanently. Last year I pulled out a corner of the endless pachysandra that wraps around our house and started planting a few things: a little mint and oregano and the lupine. They got all gangly by fall but they came back this year with more heft. Just today, I planted the whole corner full of what I bought. I think it's because Zack rototilled a big area in the yard, serious about getting a vegetable garden in. It messes with the pristine yard effect, which I ...