The World of Good Giving

I just posted a piece on the Green Connoisseur blog about Tom's Shoes , which is this great company that creates very eco-friendly shoes but, even better, donates one pair of shoes to people in Argentina and South Africa for each pair that gets sold. People who live in warm climates with a lot of volcanic ash in the soil can get podoconiosis, which is a disease of the lymphatic system caused by silicate particles in the bloodstream. It can be easily prevented by wearing shoes. The videos of shoe drops and earnest Tom's Shoe's workers delivering beautiful yoga-like slipons to kids in villages is more than any one heart can bear. And if you hurry up and buy some for your loved ones, Tom's might reach its goal of donating 33,000 pairs by Christmas. And in case anyone who loves me actually reads this thing, that's the pair I want....