Giving Voice to Things Smothered in Cuteness

We had friends over for Thanksgiving this year. Odd with no students, but we all had fun, including Scarlett, who had a dog buddy named Riley. I even think Stephanie, the four year old daughter of our friends, had a good time despite the fact that the other kids were quite a bit older. Stephanie is bright and funny and creative. I know she likes Hello Kitty! so before the holiday, we raided the dollar aisle at Target and got her some goodies.
I've never been a huge fan of Hello Kitty! although I have my own anime favorites and allow Zoe and Esme to spend way too much money on other San-X characters (the platypus!) at Kawaii (Kawaii means "cute" but it's also the name of a store in Pittsburgh that's full of the stuff). I did, however, like to buy Hello Kitty! for Leah, especially when she was in the hospital and needed goodies. It must have been a running conversation between Leah and Arlene (her mom) because I have at least two memories of Arlene making a face and saying, "It has no mouth!" And indeed, as feminists, it's a bit disconcerting to engage with this character, wildly popular among girls, but unable to speak.
So, anyway, this week Stephanie made us a drawing (as a thank you, I'm sure) where she used some of the Hello Kitty! stickers -- and when Zoe and Esme saw it (first Esme in the morning and Zoe when she got home from school), they both exclaimed immediately, "Look! She drew in a MOUTH!!!"
Here's a scan of her drawing. You can't see the mouth on the big HK, but look at the one sitting on the horizon -- it's HAPPY. I hope she doesn't mind that I posted it. Zack reported that Laura, Stephanie's mom, told him that she did the same thing to a very large mylar Hello Kitty balloon. Wish I had a picture of that, too.