Lego People Business Cards and Emeril Cookware as Self Defense

- The Girl Scout cookies have come in, which is rather ironic given that it's Friday and it's Lent here in the highly Catholic suburbs of Pittsburgh. Luckily for those that have not given up sweets, I am happy to point out that there is no lard listed in the ingredients...
- The dog reverted to a feral state when she discovered an injured deer on our walk and as I slogged after them through deep deep muddy swamps I decided that, as a form of exercise, this was clearly inferior to yoga. I also take back anything I may have said earlier in this blog about her lack of instincts, which have now resulted in her being given some anti-inflammatory drugs, glucosamine, very harsh words, and an undefined term of house arrest.
- My sister sent me this lovely bit about how employees at Lego get little lego people with their names on them to give out instead of business cards. If I worked for Lego, I would want a Xena the Warrior lego person to give out. This one is actually not a Lego, but a Mighty Muggs creation from
- Finally, National Specialty Foods Memo (a great blog that's mostly very serious) had a Friday special about Emeril as an amazing brand (and now he's all like Mr Green Jeans while being owned by Martha Stewart. The pop culture postmodern mapping of that one could be really fun). But the memo isn't about Emeril, per se, it's about this 70 year old lady named Ellen Basinski who used an Emeril pan to take two swings at a band of teenage home intruders. The clip is all daytime news stupidity, but I'm thinking maybe I should ask Lego to make me an Ellen Basinski person, pot in hand, as my business card. We could still dress her up as Xena. Geez, I bet if I'd brought an Emeril pan with me on the walk, I would have had better luck convincing Scarlett that the deer should not be attacked.
Happy Weekend.